Wednesday, October 12, 2005


Hey y’all, I’m back. I’m sitting around waiting for my groceries to be delivered and watching “Win A Date With Tad Hamilton.” (Clearly, Josh Duhamel is the hottest man on earth.) Anyway, I’m currently freaked because every single other time my groceries have been delivered, the Peapod man has arrived at the very beginning of the delivery period. Now, I’m looking at my clock, and it’s after 6, and the window started at 5:30. Mr. Peeeeeaaapoood Maan… where are you?

I started to think maybe I had mixed up my days. Now this would be highly problematic because a) my schedule is laid out like the effing Wall of China: it’s long and solid and it doesn’t appreciate breaks and b) I have no food. Now when I say I have no food, I mean like, no food. So I was kind of banking on the Peapod delivery man to bring me my food early. That way, I could unpack and make dinner and all would be right with the world. As it is, I’m in a state of disarray because NOW I’m afraid he’s going to arrive at 9:30, which would totally mess up my evening. That’s too late to make dinner, plus, the only the other thing I have to do tonight is give myself a pedi, which I can’t do until after he comes. So if he leaves me waiting until 9:30, I will have to eat and do the pedi afterwards, and that’s a problem because my bedtime is 10:30 and… well, even I’m getting sick of worrying about this.

So I’ll move on to worry about what I should do in the meantime. Obviously it should be productive, but I can’t face schoolwork. Laundry? No quarters… damn. I reached the end of the internet ages ago, so that’s out. Crap… now I’m going to panic about what to do instead of panicking.

This is when me falling down the steps to the Metro on Saturday night comes back to haunt me. See, when my mind tries to distract me, it usually does it by bringing back an awful memory I have been trying to repress. This time, it’s me plummeting to my knees on the stairs at Cleveland Park thanks to a loose heel on my formerly fabulous shoes while all the people waiting below on the platform laugh and point. I really love those shoes… guess I can’t wear them until I fix them… have to take them to Pentagon City for that… that’ll take a week… shit… what’ll I wear this Saturday night without them…

… and we’re back to panicking. Please. Don't act like this stuff doesn't occur to you too. Psssh.


Anonymous said...

I HATE waiting for groceries to be delivered. It totally messes with your schedule when they don't come when you're expecting them. I share your pain!

Amy said...

You are totally making fun of me, I just know it.

Tim said...

Where's more panicky pam?????