Wednesday, October 05, 2005

My Very First Post

Wow. I can't believe I'm actually posting in a blog. I never though that I'd really be up to it. I don't think I'm that creative. But a friend of mine convinced me to do it. He said I'd be good at telling stories... mostly about me freaking out over little things.

Like today in class, I suddenly had an allergy attack. Naturally I was out of tissues, but my eyes were running and my nose was running - it was a marathon of facial features.

And I had to ask myself, "Do I really want to get up in the middle of class to get more tissues and draw everyone's attention to me?" It's so difficult.

Not to mention the fact that I woke up late and missed my bus. I pretty much expected it to be the end of the world today.

But whatcha gonna do? I can't believe that my allergies are still acting up. I mean WHAT is going on here?

You know, this whole blog thing is aMAZing. I can tell everyone about everything and anytime. I hope I can do a good job at it. The last thing I want to do is put up something crappy.

Ugh - one more thing to worry about!

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