Wednesday, January 18, 2006

M - I - C - K - E - Y ...

I have a mouse living in my stovetop. I know you will think I am making this up. But I'm not. I have spotted him twice now. He pooped in my breadbox. I threw it out. The bread survived. The box did not. Under normal circumstances, this would be cataclysmic. Tonight, I don't care. As long as that little f*cker doesn't try to climb in bed with me, I'll allow him to live. FOR NOW.

To be continued...

Friday, January 13, 2006

Bike Saga, Part I

This isn't really a panicky post, but since it is plaguing me I'm posting it. Word.

so i go to HTO last night to buy a bike lock. i don't want to spend a lot. i know they will try to sell me some top of the line lock, but i figure, a $90 purple huffy isn't likely to be stolen, and if it is, big deal. so i decide to stand by my dollar limit. WELL, of course that overpriced, hiking/camping/climbing/all-things-crunchy-granola-yuppie outpost only sells locks of $17 or more. So I end up with a $30 U-lock that weighs about 15lbs. I figure if it's the best I can do, I might as well just go ahead and get it so I can ride back to school tonight for my 10:30 pm meeting. (let's not even get started on that one..) i get it home and then at around 9:30, i decide to get ready for my trek. i unpack the lock. i bring it over to my bike. i realize at this point that the lock mount DOESN'T FIT AROUND ANY SINGLE PART OF THE BIKE. now i am steamed. but i figure, well, i can return it later, i'll just throw the lock in my bookbag for tonight, lock it up, then return it tomorrow and GET MY $30 BACK. so i put it in my bag, grab my helmet, and then wheel the bike to my door. it is then i realize the front brakes are too tight. okay, no problem. i grab a wrench and loosen the brake, piece of cake. this is when i decide that it might be a good idea to just quickly hop on the bike and make sure everything is the right height before i get it outside where there are no tools. i swing my leg over, sit on the seat, and look down. and realize that the tire rims are flush with the wood floor. there's NO AIR IN THE TIRES. and I DON'T HAVE A BIKE PUMP. at this point it's 10 o'clock, so i've missed the bus, and there is no effing way i'm paying for a cab. so i remove my helmet (since i dont' want it ruined by the fire coming out of my ears), put the bike back, and put on my pjs. i email ILR to tell them i'm not coming because i'm sick, get in bed, and go to sleep. now i'm thinking this bike idea wasn't so hot. by the time i buy a lock and a pump and all the accessories, i will have spent an amount practically equal to the cost of the bike. DEATH... death.